DARC OV Haan - R24

Diploma 40 years R24

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The OV Haan R24 is celebrating the 40th Anniversary of it’s founding during the year of 2017. The 40R24 diploma is offered for contacts with stations from the OV Haan in the period from 1 January to 31 December 2017.
Requirements for 4 levels of the Award:.
1. Bronze 24 points (1 contact with 1 club station is obligatory)
2. Silver 40 points (3 contacts with at least 2 clubs are obligatory)
3. Gold 240 points (5 contacts with at least 3 club stations are obligatory)
4. Platinum 400 points (10 contacts with all 4 club stations are obligatory)
The diploma can also be endorsed for single band or mono-mode. Make sure you mention this when submitting your award request.
The club stations DK0HAN, DL0CPM and DN0UKW will represent the SDOK 40R24.
The club station DR9P will be active from 1 June to 5 June 2017 using the SDOK ARDF17, and the SDOK ARDFR for the rest of the year.
Point Values:
a. One QSO with a club station = 5 points per band and mode.
b. One QSO with a station in the DOK R24 = 1 point per band and mode.
c. The following stations are assigned DOK R24: DF1ER, DF5FD, DG1KDD, DG6SA, DJ6JD, DJ9EY, DK8EZ, DL1ABT, DL1JR, DL7ET, DL8EAP, DN1ET, DN6SA, DN8PL, DO3EA, DO7KK, DO7ML, DO8FOX, DO9PL (as of Dec.2016)
a. Each station may be contacted once per band and mode (CW / Phone / Digi) one time every calendar month.
b. The three stations with the most points receives a self-building tube receiver kit.
c. For SWLs, the same conditions apply. QSOs that are in the DX cluster are not counted!
d. The award, issued as a digital file are free to download.
e. For paper diplomas, a fee of 5€ will be charged.
f. Send your application with a log extract to dl7et@darc.de . later you can request it online